Expedition Discovery Kei


I am extremely happy to see James Otigbah realise this exciting new venture. Expedition Discovery is a remarkable project for anyone who has hesitated to travel to Africa, be it for considerations of security or specific personal conditions.

I know James since my days as the Ambassador and Special Envoy of Switzerland to Somalia, 2013 to 2016. As such and the Embassy being in Nairobi, Kenya, I had to undertake regular trips to Mogadishu, Somalia, and other destinations in the Horn of Africa.

As my security advisor and close protection officer, James would organise my travel and accompany me on the trips. He would be responsible for my security and safety and run my close protection detail. He did this always in a very professional manner and with ease. With his calm and pleasant presence, he can adjust to any given environment, and dialogue with people from the most different backgrounds; VIPs, officials or the African from the street.

He will, no doubt, bring these assets and skills to the expedition he will plan with you for your discovery and recovery in Africa. Going on the journey to recover from a toxic lifestyle or merely wanting to discover yourself, you can be assured that the expedition will be on your terms, in your time, at your pace.

Why Africa? I have lived and worked all over Africa for over 25 years and was the Swiss Ambassador to Madagascar, Côte d’Ivoire (Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Niger, Cameroon), Ethiopia (Djibouti, South Sudan and African Union) and Somalia. Having retired here in 2016, I am thrilled that James has chosen Nairobi as the hub and starting point for his expeditions. Exploring the bustling metropolis before setting off to other, more quiet parts of Kenya or East or Southern Africa, is an exciting way to start an African journey. But until you have experienced the continent yourself and let it touch you, you will barely understand its fascination and magic. Take the Great Rift Valley between Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania: It’s the cradle of mankind where Homo sapiens became the modern human – living side by side with the last surviving dinosaur, the Nile crocodile. Here, you can connect with your origins, discover new dimensions of life and recover from your personal stress of modern civilization.

Dominik Langenbacher
Advisor, former Ambassador, Nairobi